Sunday, July 22, 2018


After a long drive through the Annapolis Valley from Halifax, Highway 101 begins to curve and then opens up to reveal the beautiful Annapolis Basin, with the town of Digby shining across the water. Digby is known for its scallop fishery, having one of the largest scallop fishing fleets in the world. Along with it's fishery, the town is the administrative centre for Digby County, and connects the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick by a ferry that runs to Saint John, New Brunswick.

Digby Waterfront
The Mi'kmaq called this area Oositookun, meaning “ear of land,” based on the shape of the cove Digby sits on that surrounds the Annapolis Basin. Settled by a group of New England Planters, the area was originally known as Conway. It was later re-named Digby for Admiral Digby, who surveyed and planned the town. Founded in 1783 and incorporated in 1890, today the population of Digby is 2060.

I visited Digby on July 14th, and here's what I found:

1. Selfie – I couldn't get a pic in front of the Digby welcome sign because I couldn't find the Digby welcome sign. Poopie.

2. Visitor’s Centre – Found on Montague Row, in a colourful building decorated with a representation of former Digby resident and popular folk artist's Maud Lewis's icon oxen.

3. Museum – I checked out Admiral Digby Museum, with each room in this heritage home reflecting a different facet of Digby's history.

Scallops three ways - delicious!

4. Food – Since I was in the scallop capital, I went to The Crow's Nest Restaurant, where I was able to enjoy "Scallops Three Ways" – pan fried in garlic butter, deep fried in a light batter and my personal fav, bacon-wrapped. What a feast!

5. Drink – Digby has some great local breweries to go with its amazing seafood. I wandered up the the Sydney Street Pub and had an Annapolis Brewing Company Blockhouse Blonde Ale made in nearby Annapolis Royal. Digby is also home to Roof Hound Brewing Company and Lazy Bear Brewing is found in nearby Smith's Cove.

A view of the beautiful Annapolis Basin from Admiral's Walk
6. Public Space – I took a stroll along Admiral's Walk, a boardwalk that runs parallel to Water Street, offering gorgeous views of Annapolis Basin.

7. Art – Caught a glimpse of some beautiful folk art celebrating Digby's fishing heritage on the side of a downtown building.

8. Swag – While at the Admiral Digby Museum I picked up a Digby coin purse.

When should you go? Check out Lobster Bash (July 5 - July 7 ), Digby Scallop Days (August 9 – 12) and Wharf Rat Rally (August 29 – September 2).

A little bit of trivia: During the Wharf Rat Rally, the town's population swells to 50,000, including 25,000 motorcycles. Roads and schools have to close to accomodate the crowds.

Up next: Founded over four hundred years ago, this town is known as “the cradle of our nation”- find out where on Wednesday!

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